solution of shoppingcart function realization

Dear all I have one BOM list page with material price data( all data have been imported from excel), now I want to have a function to select some materials from the list everytime and set the requested quantities of each item, then finally I CAN get the total price of all the selected items=> just like adding goods to shopping cart and automatically calculate the whole price function.  can anyone give me some idea? cauze now I can’t even select items in the grid column..not mention make calculation…
2 answers

Hi Kardos, 


Perhaps this domain model provides you with some inspiration. The steps you'd have to take could be:

  1. Create a request
  2. Display the list of materials
  3. When selecting a material, create a ‘RequestLine’ object and associate it to your request and to the selected material
  4. Display a page or pop-up to edit the amount on the RequestLine object
  5. Update the total price on the request and save your objects

You could opt to calculate and store RequestLine.LinePrice as well to ensure any updates in material prices don't affect existing requests.


Hi Kardos,


If you do not want to store the total or the order items, then you can achieve this with just a couple of entities.




I created 2 flows to increment and decrement the number of requested items.



I called the increment flow on the click of the plus button which sums up the item total and the gross total. The opposite for decrement.
