Closing option for all left and right parts - Mendix Forum

Closing option for all left and right parts


If Mendix studio pro has a feature to close left and right panels (application explorer, properties, toolbox...), I can click on it and hide these panels when I need it.


5 answers

Hi Dinesh,


Thanks for sharing. I voted for your post. I hope you vote for myself. It would be better if the Mendix developers gave our post a lot more votes or if many people shared an opinion over and over again.


Have posted a Similar Idea in the Past. Feel free to Upvote the below Idea as well.



For example, in Azure Data Studio, there is three button on the right upper corner. When you click these buttons you can managing opening or closing sub pages bar. 


That is right. That is distraction mode. But what I mean is seperately closing when I need to close left, right or below sub panels.


There is! SHIFT + F11
