Domain Model Automatic re-order function for associations between 2 entities - Mendix Forum

Domain Model Automatic re-order function for associations between 2 entities


Most apps start with a small and overseeable domain model. Overtime the models get bigger and often you need to improve your domain model drawing.
Something wasting time and energy is how you have to relocate associations between 2 entities when you want to make your drawing model more readable.
Looking for an answer and triggered by forum posts like:

I decided to submit an idea… Because I don’t want to delete associations and recreate them to make my domain drawing great.

It will be great if a feature can be added to select 2 (or even better, 3 or 4 if possible)  Entities, call the Right click menu and have a function like Optimize Association connections (or a better name you can think off), that would reconnect your associations and make them readable,


1. Before Situation (just a demo example):

  1. Better position your entities:

  2. Select the Entities between who you want the associations redrawn:

  3. Right-clik and select Re-order Associations (New function for Studio Pro please)
  4. Expected result:

1 answers

Similar idea posted in: 
