Search a row in the database and then add it to a new List.

Dear Community , I would like to automate the Quality Check that i do in our inventory. My task is to check 25 random inventory numbers (devices) for missing fields in the database.   So far, I have created an app which can import data from an excel file by using MxmodelReflection and Excel imported from Market place. Also the app can print the row which contains the given inventory number.   As a next step, I would like to push each row one by one in a list that I can export it. Could you please help me with the design of the microflow? Because i just started with mendix and i am confused.    For example how can i select this row and push it in a new list?
3 answers
  • Add a boolean attribute to the entity
  • Create a microflow that takes a single object as a parameter and sets the boolean attribute to true
  • Have 2 datagrids on your page, one with XPath that says (boolean attribute) false and one with XPath that says (boolean attribute) true
  • on the ‘false’ datagrid, add an Action button in the control bar that points to the microflow you created

Select a row in the ‘false’ datagrid, click the Action button and the selected row should move to the ‘true’ datagrid (make sure the change action in your microflow has Refresh in Client)


Hi Orestis,


  • You need to add an action button to the grid.



  • The action button should trigger a flow that adds the selected item.



  • Now in the flow create a list of the entity type of your devices.



  • Finally add the object to the list with the change list activity.


Hi Raghav, Thank you for your quick response. I tried to illustrate the list in a new data grid ,but it says that the microflow does not return an object.
