Drop down options from eternal resource and allow search

Overall Goal: Display a list in a drop down to a user in which is populated by an external resource.  Allow user to type and external resources is searched/filtered with what the user typed, display results to user for selection Store key information from external resource to local Mendix DB Do not store the external database into Mendix database, meaning use  a Non-persistent entity   The look I’m looking for is Mendix Marketplace - Custom Dropdown.   In the image above the user would clear  the current selection and start typing “j” as they type “j” the external system that holds all animal names would be called and then return a result set containing all animals names that contain the letter “j”.   Anyone ever do something like this? Thank you in advance!
2 answers

You might want to use an autocomplete widget like this: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/116541 


However you will need to import and store your external DB locally first, not sure if there’s any thing out there that does not link to some type of internal app DB for this purpose.


So the https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/117326 will do what I’m asking without duplicating the data into Mendix. We had the configuration of the ID wrong in the settings of the widget.

