Integration of Google drive with mendix application

How to Integrate google drive with mendix application. Scenario: I need to upload files from mendix application to google drive. can anyone suggest me the steps for it? Is there any market place modules available for Integration?
2 answers

You can use the Google Drive API to upload files from the Mendix app to Google Drive.


  1. 1. Create a Google Cloud project and enable the Google Drive API. This will allow you to access the Google Drive API from your Mendix app.


  3. 2. Create a service account for the Google Cloud project, and download the service account key file. This will allow you to authenticate your Mendix app with the Google Drive API using the service account credentials.


  5. 3. In your Mendix app, create a microflow that accepts the file to be uploaded as an input parameter. This microflow should contain the logic to authenticate with the Google Drive API using the service account key file, and to upload the file to Google Drive.


  7. 4. Use the HttpRequest and HttpResponse modules in the microflow to make a request to the Google Drive API to upload the file. You can use the HttpRequest.setBodyContentFromBinary method to set the body of the request to the contents of the file, and then use the HttpRequest.send method to send the request to the API.



Creating a Mendix widget to integrate with Google Drive would involve several steps:

  1. First, you would need to create a new Mendix widget project using the Mendix Developer Portal.

  2. Next, you would need to set up a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project and enable the Google Drive API. This would involve creating a project in the GCP Console, creating credentials for your app, and enabling the Google Drive API.

  3. Once the GCP project is set up, you would need to integrate the Google Drive API into your Mendix widget. This could be done by using the Google API client library for JavaScript, which can be installed via npm.

  4. In your Mendix widget, you would need to add logic to handle authentication with the Google Drive API. This could be done by using the Google API client library to create an OAuth2 client and redirect the user to the Google authentication page.

  5. Once the user has authenticated, you can then use the Google API client library to make requests to the Google Drive API. For example, you could create a function to retrieve a list of files from a user's Google Drive, or to upload a file to Google Drive.

  6. Finally, you would need to add UI elements to your Mendix widget to allow the user to interact with the Google Drive integration. This could include buttons to upload or download files, or a list of files that can be displayed in the widget.

    Creating a Mendix widget to integrate with Google Drive would involve several steps:

  7. First, you would need to create a new Mendix widget project using the Mendix Developer Portal.

  8. Next, you would need to set up a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project and enable the Google Drive API. This would involve creating a project in the GCP Console, creating credentials for your app, and enabling the Google Drive API.

  9. Once the GCP project is set up, you would need to integrate the Google Drive API into your Mendix widget. This could be done by using the Google API client library for JavaScript, which can be installed via npm.

  10. In your Mendix widget, you would need to add logic to handle authentication with the Google Drive API. This could be done by using the Google API client library to create an OAuth2 client and redirect the user to the Google authentication page.

  11. Once the user has authenticated, you can then use the Google API client library to make requests to the Google Drive API. For example, you could create a function to retrieve a list of files from a user's Google Drive, or to upload a file to Google Drive.

  12. Finally, you would need to add UI elements to your Mendix widget to allow the user to interact with the Google Drive integration. This could include buttons to upload or download files, or a list of files that can be displayed in the widget.
