How to Refresh Page every 15 min after Schedule Event updates Data

I have a Schedule Event which runs every 15 min to give the updated Data from REST API. From this event there is a microflow, where I am calling API and committing the new data to the Mendix Data store and deleting the old data in the data store.   Because old objects are deleted, I get the error and screen is freezed. I want to know how I can referesh my page with this new data from db. I cannot keep this in schedule event because it is not user session based.   Thanks in advance 
2 answers

You could use the microflow timer widget on your page to trigger some refresh action. You can not do this in your scheduled event. But your scheduled event could write the last execution time to a log and the microflow timer could periodically check this log for a new timestamp. If it finds one, it could do the refresh.


This question is something similar than this one. Maybe it helps to link them.

