Subversion 1.9 in Mendix 8 beta 2

in Mendix 8 beta 2, we will be switching Studio Pro to use Subversion 1.9. So far we having been using the old and no longer supported version 1.7. The reason we waited so long with the upgrade is that the working copy format is different in 1.9. This is a challenge, because you can only have one version of TortoiseSVN installed. It does not support side-by-side installation. So after the release of beta 2, you can either manipulate Mendix 7 working copies or Mendix 8 working copies with TortoiseSVN.  Fortunately, there are other tools that you can use to do file management like resolving file conflicts and cleaning up, e.g. SmartSVN ( The recommended setup for now is to keep TortoiseSVN on 1.7.15 to work with all Mendix 5, 6 and 7 projects and to install SmartSVN if you want to work with Mendix 8 beta projects. Years ago, we had such a working copy upgrade as well, when moving from Mendix 4.0 (Subversion 1.6) to Mendix 4.1 (Subversion 1.7). At that time, we hoped they would never changed the working copy format again... See this thread from 2012 for more information: Note: the working copy format changed in Subversion 1.8 and has since then stayed the same. This means that you can any recent version of TortoiseSVN or SmartSVN with Mendix 8 beta 2 working copies. Yes, even the just released TortoiseSVN 1.12.0! Happy modeling! Addendum: what are the consequences of installing Tortoise 1.8 to 1.12 on your system? Tortoise 1.8+ can be used to manage working copies of Mendix 8 beta2+ projects. It cannot be used to manage working copies of Mendix 7 projects. If you right-click a Mendix 7 project directory, it will show you the options in the screenshot below. Do not upgrade the working copy because then the Modeler 7 will not be able to work with it anymore! If you use this setup, you can use an old version of SmartSVN to manage your Mendix 7 projects. In summary, there are two possible setups: Keep TortoiseSVN at 1.7.15 to manage Mendix 7 projects. Install any recent version of SmartSVN to manage Mendix 8 projects. Install TortoiseSVN 1.8-1.12 to manage Mendix 8 projects. Install an old version of SmartSVN (7.6.4, see to manage Mendix 7 projects.  
3 answers

Thanks for the info, bookmarking this for future use.


Hmmm, Arjan, I've installed Tortoise 1.9.7 and got zero warnings, nor does my lower mendix version show weird behavior so far.

Are there any risks I'm missing?


does the free foundation version of SmartSVN do the trick or should we get licences for the paid version?
