How does one Enable the Team Server and where please?

1.4 Open the Application Model "There are two ways to create a new app project with Application model package. Option 1 – Open the package: Click Download and save the Application model. Open the file, named Advanced_course_online.mpk.  If you get the version selector, select Modeler version 7.13.1. Choose a directory where the project package will be extracted. Enable Team Server and upload it to a new repository. Looked at every drop down menu and all the sub menus and pages within the Modeler, then used search, can not find anything labeled "Team Server".  Search returns "nothing found for Team Server." Where is the "Team Server" and how does one enable it? Click OK. A new app will be created in the Modeler, including the required model and some sample data.
2 answers

Hi Linda,

Once you open the Advanced_course_online.mpk. in the modeler, navigate to the Team tab > more versioning > upload to version control server. Then you will get a pop up window where you can check to create a new team server project and name the project. 



Hope this helps!


team server app: the selected team server app is not initialized

seems like a similar error
