.mx-listview-selectable is on the non selectable listviews?

So I'm doing a bit of research into CSS. When I have a listview it has .mx-listview-selectable on it when I let a dataview listen to the listview, the list view LOSES .mx-listview-selectable.   Why is this? wouldnt it be logical to have it the otherway around? What am I missing?
3 answers

Hi Jason, I just looked into this. I can reproduce but can't explain it.

With a listen-to construction it only has the default mx-listview and the classes added in the modeler by the developer.

With a no-action listview (without listen-to) is has the mx-listview-selectable class added to the above. I checked the stylesheet/lib folder but no styling seems so be associated with this class. 

With a action listview (i.e. show page) it has the mx-listview-clickable added to the above. This adds a ‘cursor: pointer’ style to the item.

Don't know if its a bug. Maybe file a ticket and go for the manual adding of the mx-listview-selectable class to the listview in the meantime if you need it?


have you kept the same editable property in  both cases ?


anyone else noticed this?

and know why this is?

is it a bug?

