Mobile Fingerprint Authentication

Hi, Can finger print authentication be accomplished in Mendix Mobile Hybrid Applications? Since this is a native functionality I would like to know if this is possible or not and how it can be accomplished? Thanks.  
2 answers

We've done some work on this in a fork of the hybrid-app-base repository, which is the source for bundle.js that you'll find in a Mendix mobile app package. Specifically, see the code here:

Note: I cannot vouch for the security of this code or offer much support, but I do know that I've seen it working on both iOS and Android, with FaceID on an iPhoneX as well. Feel free to ask any followup questions here and I'll do my best to answer them.


There are Phonegap plugins available for Fingerprint authentication:

Couple that with a custom widget and it might be possible. I think fingerprint authentication is only possible for Android, not iOS.
