Widget does not perform subscribe to an attribute

Dear forum users, I am currently having a problem performing a subscribe to an attribute. I have made an style object for the CKEditorForMendix widget to add CSS styling to the editor. It works fine to add the style to the editor. Now I am having the problem that I want the style to change when the user changes the associated style via a dropdown. When I perform a subscribe to the whole object or the CSS Style attribute it does not respond. This is the code I added to the _resetSubscriptions function: if (this._styleObj) { this.subscribe({ guid: this._styleObj.getGuid(), callback: lang.hitch(this, function(guid) { this._loadStyle(); }) }); this.subscribe({ guid: this._styleObj.getGuid(), attr: this.cssString, callback: lang.hitch(this, function(guid, attr, attrValue) { this._loadStyle(); }) }); }   This is the code used in the XML-file: <property key="styleEntity" type="entity" isPath="optional" pathType="reference" allowNonPersistableEntities="true"> <caption>Style object</caption> <category>Data source</category> <description>Style object entity</description> </property> <property key="cssString" type="attribute" defaultValue="" entityProperty="styleEntity" required="false"> <caption>CSS attribute</caption> <category>Data source</category> <description>Attribute to store the CSS input to.</description> <attributeTypes> <attributeType name="String" /> </attributeTypes> </property>   Hope that someone can help me out!   Thanks in advance!
2 answers

Your code looks correct. Did you already debug by adding logging messages etc to see whether the subscribe code is actually being called, hence setting subscribtions? Is this._styleObject the actual object that is passed in the update function of the widget and is that the object you expect to subscribe to? 


We also have problem with subscription of attribute changes on widget In Mx7.2. So I suggest you upgrade to another version or use mx.data.subscribe
