Display list from one page to another

Hi, I am new to Mendix and I am trying to figure something out. I have one page (Page1) that shows a data grid with multiselect. I want to have the next page (Page2) show the items that were selected in Page1. I am having a really hard time figuring this out. I can get the selected items from Page1 to a microflow but then cannot get the list from the microflow to Page2. Most of the solusions that I have seen here are to call the microflow from your datagrid but that would not work for me because it will not have the data from Page1. Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks.
2 answers

Create a selection object and associate it to the object from your data grid.  Then pass the selected list from your grid into a microflow, in that microflow associate the list to your selection object that you then pass to your page. In the page, show a nested data grid(list objects) within a dataview of your selection object over the association SelectionObject to OriginalDataGridObject


If the items have an attribute that changes when they're selected (i.e. a boolean that changes to yes on selection) then page 2 could have an attribute constraint where visibility depends on the Selection attribute having a value of "true"
