SweetAlert2 implementation.

Did anybody try to implement toastr from this marketplace module? I struggle with that, and I need a more detailed explanation of how to. Just to add. What I need is: When an anonymous customer fills the registration form and clicks “save button”, it goes to the homepage and there will appear a toastr (not a popup) that will say “account registration was created succesfully”. 
2 answers

Hello Sebastian,


I’ve managed to get it done properly!


Considering you already downloaded the SweetAlert2 module;



  1. ) Copy the contents of the folder “javascriptsource\sweetalert2\vendor\SweetAlert2” to “theme\web”
  2. ) Copy the “index-example.html” file located in your “deployment\web” folder to “theme\web”. Rename to “index.html”
  3. ) Add the line <script src="sweetalert2.all.min.js"></script> in the head of this html, below <meta ...> tag (line 8)
  4. ) Add the "sweetalert2.min.css" in the “cssFiles” list in the “theme\web\settings.json” file
    "cssFiles": ["theme.compiled.css", "sweetalert2.min.css"]


After run the app, if you have a button to call the SweetAlert2, this is the result:


Hope this helps!



Hi everyone, I want to ask a question, How to use Sweetalert2 in mendix

I used but  had a problem

How to fix. Thanks 
