Received SOAP fault, code: wsse:InvalidSecurity, reason: Missing wsse:Security header in request

Hi Experts, I tried consuming the web service which has  ws security policy. In SOAP UI I got the successful response by configuring ws security configuration with incoming and outgoing security flow. ( Timestamp, signature, encryption). Don’t know exactly how to configure the same in mendix web service call. Tried and got the error PFA of the same please.    Upon the above error, understand that need to pass soap header. And seen one of the tab as SOAP request header in the soap web service call in mendix with few parameters.  Kindly let me know where I can find these parameters and please let me know is this the right solution. Answers are really much appreciated!
2 answers



Unfortunately, there is no pre-built method for applying WS-Security signing and encryption.

To accomplish WS-Security, I implemented Java code that utilizes the following libraries (Axis2, Axiom, Neethi, Rampart) to consume the endpoints. Among these libraries, Rampart specifically handles the signing and encryption of both incoming and outgoing requests.


Can you find the wsse:Security header that SOAP UI uses in a succesful call? You could use that here.
