Again the no constructor found issue

We have seen this error before in the forum. Most of the time cleaning the cache would solve it. But this time it seems a bit harder. After an upgrade to Mx 5.21.2 I have the problem again of the no constructor found issue. But this time nothing I do helps. Here is what I have done untill now. First I noticed some errors in my logs. The log node connector would throw a 404 - file not found for file: mxclientsystem/mxui/ The first of this error would already be thrown just showing the login screen. Cleaning the project deployment directory seemed to solve this one so it might not be related to the no constructor found error. Now every page where we have the CKEditor I will get the following error in my screen: Empty the cache did not help. The error is thrown in every browser I tried. Downloading the CKEditor again and updating the widget did not make a difference. Cleaning the deployment directory did not help. The buildcorecompile_log.txt was succesfull. This is the content of the log: Buildfile: C:\Users\Ronald\Documents\Mendix\Master Daywize-main\deployment\build_core.xml compile: [javac] Compiling 1249 source files to C:\Users\Ronald\Documents\Mendix\Master Daywize-main\deployment\run\bin [javac] C:\Users\Ronald\Documents\Mendix\Master Daywize-main\javasource\restservices\publish\ warning: '_' used as an identifier [javac] String _) { [javac] ^ [javac] (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8) [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning build: [bnd] # addAll 'deployment/run/bnd.bnd' with , [bnd] Warnings [bnd] Split package, multiple jars provide the same package:com/mendix/core [bnd] Use Import/Export Package directive -split-package:=(merge-first|merge-last|error|first) to get rid of this warning [bnd] Package found in [Jar:mxruntime, Jar:Core, Jar:run] [bnd] Class path [Jar:biz.aQute.bnd.annotation, Jar:org.scala-lang.scala-library, Jar:datastorage-api, Jar:json, Jar:logging, Jar:m2ee-api, Jar:mxruntime, Jar:integration, Jar:osgi.cmpn, Jar:webui, Jar:javax.servlet, Jar:antisamy-1.5.3, Jar:apache-httpcomponents-httpclient, Jar:apns-1.0.0.Beta3-MENDIX, Jar:axiom-api-1.2.12, Jar:backport-util-concurrent-3.1, Jar:bcpkix-jdk15on-150, Jar:bcprov-jdk15on-150, Jar:com.fasterxml.jackson.annotations, Jar:com.fasterxml.jackson.core, Jar:com.fasterxml.jackson.databind,, Jar:com.mendix.smack-3.2.2, Jar:com.mendix.webservices-rt-2.1.0, Jar:com.springsource.javax.activation-1.1.1,,,,,, Jar:com.sun.mail.javax.mail-1.4.5, Jar:commons-codec-1.8, Jar:commons-collections-3.2.1, Jar:commons-email-1.3.1, Jar:commons-httpclient-3.1, Jar:commons-io-2.3, Jar:commons-lang-2.6, Jar:commons-logging-1.1, Jar:Core, Jar:dom4j-1.6.1, Jar:esapi-2.1.0, Jar:fontbox-1.8.5, Jar:geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0, Jar:guice-2.0, Jar:httpclient-4.3.5, Jar:ical4j-1.0.3, Jar:ical4j-connector-0.9.3, Jar:ical4j-vcard-0.9.5, Jar:ical4j-zoneinfo-outlook-1.0.2, Jar:javax.servlet-3.0.0,, Jar:jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.4, Jar:jempbox-1.8.5, Jar:joda-time-2.3, Jar:JoinHelper, Jar:jsch-0.1.50, Jar:json-simple, Jar:jta-1.1, Jar:jul-to-slf4j-1.6.4, Jar:log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.4, Jar:mail, Jar:nekohtml, Jar:not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.11, Jar:openid4java-0.9.8, Jar:opensaml-2.5.3, Jar:openws-1.4.4, Jar:org.apache.commons.fileupload-1.2.1,, Jar:org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.3.5, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.avalon-framework-4.3.1, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.batik-1.7.0, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-codec-1.3.0, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jdom-1.1.2, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.opensaml-2.6.0_3, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xalan-2.7.1, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xerces-2.11.0, Jar:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans-2.5.0, Jar:org.glassfish.metro.webservices-api-osgi-2.2.0, Jar:pdfbox-1.8.5, Jar:pdfbox-app-1.8.3, Jar:poi-3.10-FINAL-20140208, Jar:poi-ooxml-3.10-FINAL-20140208, Jar:poi-ooxml-schemas-3.10-FINAL-20140208, Jar:quartz-1.8.4, Jar:replication, Jar:serializer-2.7.1, Jar:smack-core-4.0.1, Jar:smack-tcp-4.0.1, Jar:spring-ldap-1.2.1, Jar:spring, Jar:velocity-1.7, Jar:WebspireLicenser, Jar:WSChatterServer, Jar:xalan-2.7.1, Jar:xercesImpl-2.11.0, Jar:xml-apis-ext, Jar:xml-resolver-1.2, Jar:xmlpull-xpp3-1.1.4c, Jar:xmlpull_1_0_5, Jar:xmlsec-1.5.6, Jar:xmltooling-1.3.4, Jar:run] [bnd] # project (project.jar) 2109 BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 54 seconds Anybody a clue on how to debug this further? Any steps to perform I have missed? [EDIT2] Here is the widgets.js file that was created when I created an unversioned mpk. define([ "calendar/widget/calendar", "calendar/widget/calendar_dv", "ChartJS/widgets/BarChart/widget/BarChart", "ChartJS/widgets/LineChart/widget/LineChart", "ChartJS/widgets/StackedBarChart/widget/StackedBarChart", "ChartJS/widgets/RadarChart/widget/RadarChart", "ChartJS/widgets/PieChart/widget/PieChart", "ChartJS/widgets/PolarChart/widget/PolarChart", "ChartJS/widgets/DoughnutChart/widget/DoughnutChart", "CKEditorForMendix/widget/CKEditorForMendix", "CKEditorForMendix/widget/CKEditorViewerForMendix", "CustomString/widget/CustomString", "DrawLine/widget/DrawLine", "DynamicImage/widget/DynamicImage", "DynamicImage/widget/StaticImage", "formatstring/widget/formatstring", "GoogleMaps/widget/GoogleMaps", "HelpText/widget/HelpText", "HelpText/widget/HelpTextRow", "HelpText/widget/HelpTextTrigger", "HelpText/widget/HelpTextAttr", "HelpText/widget/HelpTextRowAttr", "LabelSelect/widget/LabelSelect", "MicroflowTimer/widget/MicroflowTimer", "ProgressBar/widget/ProgressBar", "refkit/widget/InputRefSelector", "SimpleChart/widget/SimpleChart", "boolslide/Slider", "SprintrFeedbackWidget/SprintrFeedback", "URLRedirector/widget/URLRedirector", "advancedpicker/MobiScroll", "CameraWidgetForPhoneGap/widget/CameraWidgetForPhoneGap", "DragAndDropSupportWidget/widget/DraggableWidget", "DragAndDropSupportWidget/widget/DroppableWidget", "RadioButtonList/widget/AttrRadioButtonList", "RadioButtonList/widget/AssocRadioButtonList", "Tagging/widget/TagEditor", "TimePicker/widget/TimePicker", "BootstrapRTE/widget/BootstrapRTE", "fvl/widget/FormViewList", "GridSelector/widget/CheckboxGrid", "GridSelector/widget/RadioGrid", "RichText/widget/RichTextViewerMobile", "RichText/widget/RichTextViewer", "RichText/widget/SimpleRichTextEditor", "DropZone/widget/DropZone", "FileDocumentViewer/widget/FileDocumentViewer", "Ratings/widget/ratings", "Ratings/widget/ratings_nologic", "sharing/widget/ShareButtons", "sharing/mobile/MobileShareButtons", "TextareaAutogrow/widget/TextareaAutogrow" ], function() {}); [EDIT3] I might have found something in the build-report.txt The CKEditor uses jquery-1.11.1.js but I do not see that reflected in the build report. While other widgets that uses a different jquesry version have a line in the build report. [EDIT4] Now the funny part. Deploying the model to the cloud solves the problem. The CKEditor is just working and no custructor found errors there. But locally on multiple machines it will throw the error. [EDIT 5] The new version 2.04 from the CKEditor solves this problem. Thanks widget master Jelte for fixing this.
4 answers


If you perform an unversioned build the deployment\data\tmp dir will show you a build report for the widgets. As this seems to be a widget issue this log might give you a clue on what is wrong.


It seems that minified javascript is not recommended for Mendix 5.18+. This may be caused by the fact that Mendix embodies the widget script code in cache() functions for performance reasons. Also the widget check tool does not like minified code.

Edit 1: check the widgets.js. Constructor not found normally means that there is a syntax error somewhere in the widgets or widgets.js

The real error is not shown (alas) but the debugger will halt somewhere in mx-code.

Edit 2: CKEditor works fine here. Try to add all other widgets in a test project one by one to sees what it is breaking.

Edit 3: Some of my remarks are about Mendix 6.x not 5.x

Edit 4: Move it from the tabpage?


I've had this issue with a specific browser version (chrome 48), have you been able to exclude this scenario?


I'm running into the same problem with a custom widget of mine. I'm not sure if it's the same issue though, mine seems to run fine the first try, but breaks when performing an action..
