Feedback: Mendix 7.12 New interface update desktop modeler lack of contrast and legibility - Mendix Forum

Feedback: Mendix 7.12 New interface update desktop modeler lack of contrast and legibility


Sorry Mendix, but I'm a developer and I don't EVER use the web modeler.
Simply because it is unusable for real development.
And I'm all for changes if they are better but right now I feel like the modeler changes are way worse.

There is a serious lack of contrast in colors in panels / background and icons. 
The changes to icons in the Project Explorer and the rest of the modeler are less clear in meaning.  the snippet / page icons are confusing.
The contrast in microflows is horrendous. When for example "apply entity access" is on, you can barely see the parameters as they have the same colour almost.
The microflow actions with long texts often get cut off weirdly at the top, and also the font is small and pixelated at 100% and it less readable at certain zoom levels. To be able to read the font I need to zoom far more than in the old modeler interface.

Sorry to be negative about the changes but I feel that feedback should be provided.




8 answers

Hi community, here’s a heads-up from Mendix R&D.


We’ve received a lot of feedback on the modern look and feel introduced in Mendix 7.12.

Thank you for all the feedback. This gave us the chance to determine what works and what requires some fine tuning.


We've shared a Release Candidate of Mendix 7.13 with all our MVPs, like we have done for 7.12. This time we will also share it with everyone who posted feedback in this thread.  We want to make sure that the improvements solve the mentioned feedback items.

In Mendix 7.13

  • Tuned icon set
  • Correct Microflow font size
  • Grey backgrounds for dialog grids are shown again

In one of the upcoming releases:

  • Add Save, Undo, buttons, search box and Language toggle
  • Microflow, Nanoflow, Entity access background colors will be replaced
  • Improved Editor Toolbar icon contrast
  • Scaling issues mentioned in this thread 




Another minor issue: When running from Eclipse, the loading icon is a bit too big:


I thought that Mendix did appreciate the community's opinion..a little disappointed of this of community development..

why don't you holda topic or so how to design the modeler together with the community. modeler is too important to do by non-real mendix developers.It is obviously built by a team who don't work 60 hours per week -and also in the evenings- with it. It is really anoying all the white same looking-little- stuff, and in the evening much more.


please ask proactively the opinion of the developers and don't be so waterfal and wastefull!


+1 for dark theme (must have, asking for several years now)


Also, on high DPI screens, the role box is only one row tall in the entity security settings:


Perhaps it could be possible to let the user choose to work with the new or old theme or other themes (dark theme)


I agree with Marnix and Stefan. Especially about the colors of the icons, they all look the same now. Also maybe bring back the Toolbar Buttons or at least the option to show the Toolbar. ( )


Though I don't agree with everything here, there are some valid points about the design. Some of the design decisions are just not userfriendly. They may look pretty when showcasing Mendix but are terrible if you have to work with it all day. Please @Mendix take some time to work on this again.Though I don't agree with everything here, there are some valid points about the design. Some of the design decisions are just not userfriendly. They may look pretty when showcasing Mendix but are terrible if you have to work with it all day. Please @Mendix take some time to work on this again.


I could not said it any better then Marnix already did. We encountered the same issues with the new design.

Everybody will have their own preferences, but everything look the same and is so... white! It would be great if there were options to customize the appearances. There are so many great IDE's (eclipse, netbeans, intellij) who have a great and customizable UI to take as example.

The new icons all just look the same, they are all white/bleu or have a small deviation in color. The small icons would really benefit with some coloring. Just compare the project explorer between 7.11 and 7.12.  

The icons in 7.11 would help me to locate the file I want quickly, the icons in 7.12 do not really help me. I can not distinguish them as quickly.

For me this is a real step back in the design of the Modeler. 
