More advanced Filter/Find (search on multiple attributes and use different operators) - Mendix Forum

More advanced Filter/Find (search on multiple attributes and use different operators)


When working with lists, you often have to use the List Operation Filter or Find. However, currently you can only Filter/Find on 1 attribute, and only check if it equals a certain value.

But often, you have to Filter/Find on multiple attributes. Currently, this requires multiple Filter/Find Actions. Also, sometimes you want to Find/Filter on a different operation than 'equals', for example not equal, greater/smaller than etc. This is not possible with List operations, and would require looping through the entire list.


Having more advanced Filter/Find options, such as using multiple attributes and different operators.

2 answers


You could check out the app store widget ‘list view controls’. This gives you the possibility to add search filters (text, dropdown) to your listview.

See documentation:

See app store:



It would be awesome if it would be possible to write (a restricted version of) an XPath query to Filter/Find on a List.
