ATS- Better quality of information on scheduled test suite runs - Mendix Forum

ATS- Better quality of information on scheduled test suite runs


In ATS , It is very important to get more information on the way scheduled test suites are run on the monitoring results page.

1)It is important that information such as while environment the suite was run in must be shown

2) The exact time and date of when a suite was run must be shown since 2 days ago/ 3 days ago does not help identify quickly what release of a project the suite was run

3) The release information or code version of the release must be pulled through from Mendix or in the worst case a free text field to add a reference to the suites will be helpful to identify when was the last time a test case failed and in which release it is failing. This will help save valuable troubleshooting time


1 answers

Hi Renita,

We will discuss your Idear with the R&D team.

Best regards,


Marcel Janssen 
