Drawing canvas in Mendix Widget - Mendix Forum

Drawing canvas in Mendix Widget


I think it would be great to have a widget that enables to you draw and paint on a canvas (Think of ms paint) and then on save creates a png/jpg and commits it to mendix. 

I have a few clients who have requested the ability to make sketches/layouts within the application and currently the only fix i have is using the Signature widget from the app store.

2 answers

@Chris de Gelder, not quite what im looking for. The client does not want to "comment" on images, rather they want to be able to draw/create the images. The idea is they want to be able to create top view layouts of a workshop and then suggest a better improved layout. So the user needs to create images by placing shapes/lines on a white canvas, and then the image should be uploaded into a image entity.


The annotorius widget could then possibly be used in conjunction with the Draw widget to add comments/explanations on the layouts.


The annotorious widget?
